Featured author
Veronica Gorrie is a Gunai/Kurnai woman who lives and writes in Victoria. Black and Blue, a memoir of her childhood and the decade she spent in the police force, is her first book.
Read moreMark Aarons was an investigative reporter on ABC Radio National for…
DiscoverChris Abani is a Nigerian writer who is a Professor at the University…
DiscoverJennifer Ackerman has been writing about science, nature, and human…
DiscoverJake Adelstein was a reporter for the Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s largest…
DiscoverMilena Agus was born in Genoa to Sardinian parents, and now lives in…
DiscoverSimon Akam (@simonakam, held a Gap Year Commission in…
DiscoverDaniel Akst has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street…
DiscoverMohammed Al Samawi, a Zaydi Shia’a Muslim, was born on 30 November 1986…
DiscoverAndre Aleman is professor of cognitive neuropsychology at the…
DiscoverSherman Alexie is an American writer and poet. He is the author of…
DiscoverPatrick Allington is a writer and editor. His fiction includes the…
DiscoverMiles Allinson is a writer and an artist, and the author of the multi…
DiscoverGraham Allison is director of Harvard University’s Belfer Center for…
DiscoverAli Almossawi is an alumnus of MIT’s engineering systems division and…
DiscoverDennis Altman first came to attention with his book Homosexual:…
DiscoverDawood Amiri is an ethnic Hazara who fled with his family from…
DiscoverJohan Anderberg is a Swedish journalist and writer who has been a…
DiscoverRichard Anderson is a second-generation farmer from northern New South…
DiscoverJack Andraka is the recipient of the Smithsonian American Ingenuity…
DiscoverRachel Ang is an artist and writer working on the unceded lands of the…
DiscoverSophie Ansel is a French journalist, author, and director, who lived in…
DiscoverAlison Armstrong was born in Scotland and immigrated to Canada as a…
DiscoverJuan Luis Arsuaga is a professor of paleontology at the Complutense…
DiscoverAmets Arzallus Antia, a child of refugees, is a renowned Basque…
DiscoverElisabeth Åsbrink is a journalist and author. Her parents were…
DiscoverAlec Ash is a writer and editor focused on China, where he lived from…
DiscoverUchenna Awoke lives and writes in Nsukka, Nigeria. His short stories…
DiscoverAdmiral (Ret.) Ami Ayalon is the former commander of the Israeli navy,…
DiscoverMichael Bachelard is an Australian journalist and author. His first…
DiscoverWinner of the 2019 LTI Korea Award for Aspiring Translators and the…
DiscoverJoe Bageant frequently appeared on US National Public Radio and the…
DiscoverLyn Bagnall has been actively involved in professional horticulture and…
DiscoverGerbrand Bakker was born in 1962. He studied Dutch language and…
DiscoverIbrahima Balde is a migrant from the Republic of Guinea who crossed the…
DiscoverCedric Bannel, 45, began his career as a French foreign diplomat and as…
DiscoverKim Barker grew up in Montana, Wyoming, and Oregon, and graduated from…
DiscoverBriony Barr is a visual artist who uses process-based drawing to…
DiscoverBorn in 1883, John Charles Barrie grew up in Victoria. He joined…
DiscoverSee above
DiscoverFollowing her own good advice, Barbara Barron made a career shift and…
DiscoverEvie Barrow is an artist and illustrator passionate about artful…
DiscoverMax Barry began removing parts at an early age. In 1999, he…
DiscoverCharlotte Barslund is a Scandinavian translator. She has translated…
DiscoverLenny Bartulin is the author of A Deadly Business and The Black…
DiscoverProfessor Alexander Batthyány, PhD, is director of the Research…
DiscoverJon Bauer has written short stories and plays for stage and radio.…
DiscoverShida Bazyar, born in 1988, studied writing in Hildesheim, and, in…
DiscoverJonathan Bazzi was born in Milan in 1985. They have written for various…
DiscoverCris Beam is an author and professor in New York City, where she…
DiscoverExperts in the field of private protection, Bill Whitfield and Javon…
DiscoverSophie Beer is an illustrator from Brisbane, Queensland. She completed…
DiscoverDavina Bell is an award-winning author of books for young readers of…
DiscoverDavina Bell is a writer from Western Australia. She is the author of…
DiscoverIdan Ben-Barak holds a BSc in medical science and an MSc in…
DiscoverJonas T. Bengtsson was born in 1976. He is the author of the critically…
DiscoverMarina Benjamin’s most recent books are Insomnia, The Middlepause,…
DiscoverRoss Benjamin is a 2015 Guggenheim Fellow. He has received the Helen…
DiscoverScott Bennett was born in Bairnsdale, Victoria, in 1966, and holds an…
DiscoverTim Benson is the world’s leading authority on political cartoons. He…
DiscoverGregory Berns, MD, PhD, is the distinguished professor of…
DiscoverBeyond Zero Emissions Inc. (BZE) is a not-for-profit research and…
DiscoverCaroline Bicks is Associate Professor of English at Boston College and…
DiscoverJoe Biden, the 46th president of the United States, was first elected…
DiscoverPaul Biegler is a journalist, academic, and former specialist physician…
DiscoverJane Billinghurst is an author and a translator of nonfiction books…
DiscoverRichard A. Billows is a professor at Columbia University specialising…
DiscoverDalya Bilu is a well-known translator of Hebrew literature.
DiscoverDr Servaas Bingé is a general practitioner and sports physician. From…
DiscoverNiels Birbaumer is a psychologist and neurobiologist. He is a leading…
DiscoverTony Birch is the author of the books Shadowboxing (2006), Father's Day…
DiscoverDan Bischoff is the award-winning art critic for The Star-Ledger, where…
DiscoverMark Bittman is the author of 30 acclaimed books, including the beloved…
DiscoverRobin Black is the author of the critically acclaimed short-story…
DiscoverGeorgia Blain published novels for adults and young adults, essays,…
DiscoverJill Blakeway is the founder and director of The YinOva Center in New…
DiscoverMikaela Bley was born in 1979 and lives in Stockholm with her husband…
DiscoverSidney Bloch AM is emeritus professor in the Department of Psychiatry…
DiscoverHoward Blum is the author of the New York Times bestseller and Edgar…
DiscoverLesley Blume is a Los Angeles–based journalist, author, and biographer.…
DiscoverDr Allan Blunden is a British translator who specialises in German…
DiscoverMadelaine Böhme, geo-scientist and palaeontologist, is professor of…
DiscoverWarren Bonett owns science-based bookshop Embiggen Books on…
DiscoverKatherine Boo, a staff writer for The New Yorker, has spent the last 20…
DiscoverKatie Booth teaches writing at the University of Pittsburgh. Her work…
DiscoverSilvia Borando graduated from the Politecnico di Milano with a degree…
DiscoverJosh Bornstein is an award-winning lawyer specialising in employment…
DiscoverJoel K. Bourne Jr. is currently a Contributing Writer at _National…
DiscoverKathryn Bowers is a science journalist who has taught medical narrative…
DiscoverRobin Bowles is the author of a number of bestselling true crime books,…
DiscoverPeter Brain’s doctoral degree, completed at the University of New South…
DiscoverLaurel Braitman has written stories about science, animals and other…
DiscoverTroy Bramston is a senior writer and columnist with The Australian…
DiscoverRüdiger Braun is a science journalist interested in translating…
DiscoverBREAKING THE SILENCE, one of Israel’s most internationally lauded…
DiscoverFlorian Breier is a science journalist and works as a filmmaker and…
DiscoverProfessor Linda Briskman is the Dr Haruhisa Handa chair of human rights…
DiscoverMelissa Broder is a poet who has published four collections of poetry.…
DiscoverAlison Broinowski is a visiting fellow in the Faculty of Asian Studies…
DiscoverRichard Broinowski was a senior Australian diplomat who served in…
DiscoverJan Brokken is a writer of fiction, travel, and literary nonfiction. He…
DiscoverMichael Brooks is a science writer with a PhD in quantum physics, and…
DiscoverMitchell Moffit and Greg Brown are the creators of the award-winning…
DiscoverRachael Brown has won numerous awards as an Australian broadcast…
DiscoverStuart Brown, MD, is a medical doctor, psychiatrist, clinical…
DiscoverNatascha Bruce translates fiction from Chinese. Her work includes…
DiscoverFran Bryson is a travel writer and a former literary agent. She lives…
DiscoverTina Payne Bryson, PhD, is a pediatric and adolescent psychotherapist,…
DiscoverRachel Buchanan has worked in New Zealand and Australia for various…
DiscoverLizzie Buehler is the translator of The Disaster Tourist by Yun Ko-eun…
DiscoverPaul Bühre was a 15-year-old high school student when Teens was…
DiscoverBirgit Bulla is a journalist who lives in Munich and works as a…
DiscoverThomas Bunstead is a writer and translator, and currently a Royal…
DiscoverDavid Burchell teaches in the School of Humanities at the University of…
DiscoverJanine Burke is an author, art historian, curator, and novelist. She…
DiscoverJulian Burnside, QC, is an Australian barrister who specialises in…