Featured author
Veronica Gorrie is a Gunai/Kurnai woman who lives and writes in Victoria. Black and Blue, a memoir of her childhood and the decade she spent in the police force, is her first book.
Read moreAriel Sabar is an award-winning journalist whose work has appeared in…
DiscoverKjetil Saeter has worked as a journalist for the broadsheets…
DiscoverMiki Sakamoto was born in 1950 in Kagoshima, Japan. She studied…
DiscoverFelicita Sala is a self-taught illustrator and painter. She graduated…
DiscoverAnna Sale is the host and managing editor of Death, Sex & Money, WNYC’s…
DiscoverBethany Saltman lives and writes in the Catskills of New York with her…
DiscoverJulia Sanches translates literature from Spanish, Portuguese, and…
DiscoverCristina Sandu was born in 1989 in Helsinki to a Finnish-Romanian…
DiscoverDavid E. Sanger is national security correspondent for The New York…
DiscoverJoshua Santospirito is a multimedia artist, musician, and comics author…
DiscoverEliza Sarlos is a writer, broadcaster, and creative producer based in…
DiscoverMoya Sarner is a psychodynamic psychotherapist and award-winning…
DiscoverSayragul Sauytbay was awarded the 2021 Nuremberg International Human…
DiscoverNiki Savva is one of the most senior correspondents in the Canberra…
DiscoverDr David Schnarch is a licensed clinical psychologist and certified sex…
DiscoverBen Schneiders is an investigative journalist at The Age. His reporting…
DiscoverJohn Schoeffel is a public defender in New York.
DiscoverTom Schuller is an independent social and educational researcher. He…
DiscoverLutz Seiler was born in 1963 in Gera, Thuringia, and today lives in…
DiscoverAn Seon Jae has lived in Korea since 1980. He was born in Cornwall in…
DiscoverVictor Serge was born to Russian émigré parents in Belgium in 1890. He…
DiscoverDavid Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, was clinical professor of psychiatry…
DiscoverSir Nigel Shadbolt is one of the UK’s foremost computer scientists. He…
DiscoverAlom Shaha was born in Bangladesh but grew up in London. A parent,…
DiscoverAri Shavit is a leading Israeli columnist and writer. Born in Rehovot,…
DiscoverDavid Shaw works as a journalist for Germany’s international…
DiscoverTrevor Shearston is the author of Something in the Blood, Sticks That…
DiscoverJane Sherron De Hart has written on twentieth-century US history and US…
DiscoverAlexa Shoen, born in 1989, is the internet’s leading confidant for…
DiscoverDaniel J. Siegel, MD, received his medical degree from Harvard…
DiscoverJonathan Silvertown is professor of evolutionary ecology in the…
DiscoverMargaret Simons is a freelance journalist and author and director of…
DiscoverAnna Smaill is a poet and novelist. She was born in Auckland, New…
DiscoverNichola Smalley is a translator of Swedish and Norwegian literature.…
DiscoverSarah Smarsh has covered socioeconomic class, politics, and public…
DiscoverDeborah Smith is an internationally renowned translator. She founded…
DiscoverJeremy N. Smith has written for The New York Times, The Atlantic, and…
DiscoverKen Smith managed Joe Bageant’s website from the time it was launched…
DiscoverRachel Louise Snyder is the author of Fugitive Denim, the novel What…
DiscoverHwang Sok-yong was born in 1943 and is arguably Korea’s most renowned…
DiscoverHeidi Sopinka is the author of The Dictionary of Animal Languages,…
DiscoverDavid Sornig is the author of the novel Spiel (UWAP, 2009). His fiction…
DiscoverGeorge Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management, LLC and founder of…
DiscoverJeff Sparrow is a writer, editor, broadcaster, and Walkley…
DiscoverJohn Spooner is a multiple Walkley Award-winning artist, formerly at…
DiscoverDavid Spratt is a Melbourne businessman, climate-policy analyst, and…
DiscoverMegan K. Stack is the author of Every Man in This Village Is a Liar,…
DiscoverDr Peter Stanley is a professor of history at the University of New…
DiscoverRachel Stanyon has worked as a teacher and researcher in Germany and…
DiscoverJill Stark is an award-winning journalist, author, and mental health…
DiscoverAnke Stelling was born in 1971, in Ulm, Germany. She studied at the…
DiscoverBryan Stevenson is the executive director of the Equal Justice…
DiscoverAmy Stewart is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books,…
DiscoverDr Lisa Stinson is a perinatal microbial ecologist at the University of…
DiscoverIsaac Stone Fish is the founder and CEO of the research firm Strategy…
DiscoverMarie Stopes was a British author, palaeobotanist, campaigner for…
DiscoverThomas Stranger is based in Sydney, Australia. He has worked in both…
DiscoverNicholas Stuart joined the ABC in 1985, worked in Radio News, ABC Radio…
DiscoverPhilip Sutton is the convener of the Greenleap Strategic Institute, a…
DiscoverSuzumi Suzuki is an acclaimed Japanese sociologist and columnist. She…
DiscoverAmanda Svensson grew up in Malmö. She studied creative writing and has…
DiscoverThe contributors to this book are all members of the Sydney Child…
DiscoverFor forty years, Malgorzata Szejnert (b. 1936) has been one of Poland’s…
DiscoverSherine Tadros is the Deputy Director of Advocacy and Representative to…
DiscoverMatt Taibbi is a reporter for First Look Media. He has been a…
DiscoverTanya Talaga is the acclaimed author of Seven Fallen Feathers, a…
DiscoverMorgan Talty is a citizen of the Penobscot Indian Nation. His debut…
DiscoverJürgen Tampke was born 1944 in Brandenburg, Germany, and migrated to…
DiscoverLindsay Tanner was the minister for finance and deregulation in the…
DiscoverMarco te Brömmelstroet is the chair of Urban Mobility Futures at the…
DiscoverNina Teicholz wrote on food and nutrition science for Gourmet and Men’s…
DiscoverShashi Tharoor served for twenty-nine years at the UN, culminating as…
DiscoverJames Thornton is an environmental lawyer and writer. He is the…
DiscoverAmir Tibon is an award-winning diplomatic correspondent for Haaretz,…
DiscoverRobert Tickner grew up a country boy on the New South Wales mid-north…
DiscoverThe daughter of two Personality Type experts and authors, Kelly Tieger…
DiscoverPaul D. Tieger is the founder and CEO of SpeedReading People, LLC, a…
DiscoverSarah Timmer Harvey is a translator and writer currently based in…
DiscoverWhen Chicago native Traci N. Todd was born, her father decided her…
DiscoverZazie Todd is the author of the critically acclaimed books Wag and…
DiscoverClara Törnvall has been a journalist and producer since the early…
DiscoverNick Toscano is a multi-award-winning journalist based in Melbourne,…
DiscoverFernanda Trías (Uruguay, 1976) is the author of novels La Azotea (The…
DiscoverDr Ed Tronick is a developmental and clinical psychologist, and the…
DiscoverDorothy Tse is one of Hong Kong’s most celebrated and award-winning…
DiscoverSpiri Tsintziras, along with her tribe of young and not-so-young…
DiscoverStuart Tudball is an experienced translator of Swedish, with works…
DiscoverAviva Tuffield is Associate Publisher for Fiction at Scribe…
DiscoverHeather Turgeon is a psychotherapist and author. Her work has appeared…
DiscoverTan Twan Eng was born in Penang, but lived in various places in…
DiscoverOliver Uberti is an award-winning graphic designer and was Senior…
DiscoverVivienne Ulman is a prize-winning short-story writer, a freelance…
DiscoverCraig Unger is the author of six books, including the New York Times…
DiscoverAdri van der Heijden (b. 1951) is one of Holland’s greatest and most…
DiscoverErnest van der Kwast is a Dutch author born in Mumbai, India, in 1981.…
DiscoverPieter van Os writes for NRC Handelsblad and De Groene Amsterdammer.…
DiscoverVaraidzo is a writer and artist. Her short story ‘Bus Stop’ was…
DiscoverChristopher Vaughan has been a journalist for more than 20 years. He…
DiscoverCatherine Venner is a translator from German. She gained a B.A. from…
DiscoverPaul Verhaeghe is professor of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis…
DiscoverThalia Verkade (1979) lives in Rotterdam. She has been a staff writer…
DiscoverLinda Villarosa is a journalism professor at the City University of New…
DiscoverMichael Visontay has worked as a journalist and senior editor at The…
DiscoverDavid Vogel was born in 1891 in Satanov, Podolia (now Ukraine), and…
DiscoverWilliam von Hippel is a professor of psychology at the University of…
DiscoverLaura Vroomen was born in the Netherlands and now lives and works in…
DiscoverCaroline Waight is an award-winning literary translator working from…
DiscoverManny Waks was raised in Melbourne, the second oldest of 17 children in…
DiscoverLamar Waldron’s historical research and nonfiction books, including…
DiscoverHilary is a Melbourne based photographer working in Brunswick East.…
DiscoverSam Wallman is a comics journalist and cartoonist based in Melbourne,…
DiscoverCat Warren is a professor and former journalist with a somewhat…
DiscoverElizabeth Warren is the senior senator from Massachusetts. A former…
DiscoverBased in Missoula, Montana, Charlie Warzel became a New York Times…
DiscoverPieter Waterdrinker (born 1961, Haarlem) is one of the most successful…
DiscoverRichard Watson is a writer, speaker, and strategist who works with…
DiscoverEthan Watters is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in The…
DiscoverChris Wayment has been translating professionally since 1998, with…
DiscoverJames Owen Weatherall is a physicist, philosopher, and mathematician.…
DiscoverCaroline Welch is the co-founder and CEO of the Mindsight Institute, a…
DiscoverHayley Wells is a UK-based illustrator who loves to grow vegetables and…
DiscoverHarald Welzer is a professor of transformation design at the University…
DiscoverTimberlake Wertenbaker is an award-winning British playwright.
DiscoverProfessor Rudi Westendorp was trained at the Leiden University Medical…
DiscoverDr Ruth K Westheimer broke stigmas for more than forty years, beginning…
DiscoverBen Westhoff is an award-winning investigative reporter who has covered…
DiscoverMaike Wetzel was born in 1974 and works as a writer and screenwriter in…
DiscoverKayla Rae Whitaker was born and raised in Kentucky. She is a graduate…
DiscoverExperts in the field of private protection, Bill Whitfield and Javon…
DiscoverAlice Whitmore is a writer and literary translator living on Eastern…
DiscoverTommy Wieringa was born in 1967 and grew up partly in the Netherlands,…
DiscoverMartin Wikelski is the director of the Max Planck Institute of Animal…
DiscoverAilsa Wild is an author and performer with a history of circus…
DiscoverMara Wild lives and works in Hamburg, Germany, as a freelance…
DiscoverJincy Willett is an author and writing teacher currently living in San…
DiscoverCaroline Williams is a science journalist and editor. A consultant for,…
DiscoverDr Catherine Williams is an adjunct research fellow in the School of…
DiscoverDiane Williams is the founder and editor of the distinguished literary…
DiscoverPaige Williams is a staff writer at The New Yorker and a Mississippi…
DiscoverRick Wilson, known for his frank style and controversial turn from…
DiscoverW. Chris Winter is a neurologist and internationally recognised sleep…
DiscoverDr Agnes Wold, PhD, is a professor and senior consultant in…
DiscoverChris Womersley’s debut novel, The Low Road, won the Ned Kelly Award…
DiscoverWillard Wood is the winner of the 2002 Lewis Galantière Award for…
DiscoverLaura Elizabeth Woollett is the author of a short story collection, The…
DiscoverJulie Wright is one of Los Angeles’s best-known parenting-group…
DiscoverMatthew Wright is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and is the…
DiscoverDerek F. Wrigley, OAM, LFDIA, FRAIA, ARIBA, DA, studied architecture…
DiscoverDias Novita Wuri was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1989. She graduated…
DiscoverFrank Wynne is an Irish literary translator, writer, and editor. He has…
DiscoverOlivia Yallop was a digital strategist and commentator on technology…
DiscoverIrvin D. Yalom is emeritus professor of psychiatry at Stanford…
DiscoverMarilyn Yalom’s books include classics of cultural history such as A…
DiscoverAward-winning writer and editor Karen Yin is the force behind Conscious…
DiscoverDr Keio Yoshida is an international human rights lawyer and qualified…
DiscoverMat Youkee (London, 1981) has been living in Colombia since 2010,…
DiscoverMarie Younan is a professional interpreter with counsellors and…
DiscoverDamon Young is a prize-winning philosopher and writer. He is the author…
DiscoverJeffrey E. Young, PhD, serves on the faculty of the Department of…
DiscoverMuhammad Yunus, born in Bangladesh, was educated at Dhaka University…
DiscoverMarina Yuszczuk was born in Argentina in 1978. She is a writer and…
DiscoverArnold Zable is an acclaimed writer, novelist, and human-rights…
DiscoverJason Zengerle, National Fellow, is a contributing writer for The New…
DiscoverMadlen Ziege studied biology in Potsdam, Berlin, and Australia. For her…
DiscoverDaniel Ziffer covered the Hayne royal commission for ABC radio, TV, and…
DiscoverJacob Zinman-Jeanes is an interaction and graphic designer, illustrator…
DiscoverJörg Zittlau is a freelance journalist and writes about science,…
DiscoverAnna Zobel is an illustrator, writer, and teacher from Melbourne,…
Mitchell Zuckoff is the author of eight previous works of nonfiction,…