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Drew Rooke
Drew Rooke is a freelance journalist and author whose work has been…
DiscoverScribe has acquired world rights in A Witness of Fact: the peculiar case of chief forensic pathologist Colin Manock, by Drew Rooke.
Scribe’s publisher, Henry Rosenbloom, described the book as ‘a riveting work of investigative journalism about a disgraced South Australian senior pathologist and the legal scandals in which he became implicated. It also reveals the shaky basis of much forensic science that is still admitted in our courts.’
Drew Rooke is a freelance journalist and author whose work has been widely published, including in The Monthly, The Saturday Paper, Kill Your Darlings, and Overland. His first book, One Last Spin: the power and peril of the pokies, was published by Scribe in 2018. He is a 2021 Our Watch Fellow.
Scribe will publish A Witness of Fact in February 2022.
Drew Rooke
Drew Rooke is a freelance journalist and author whose work has been…