70th Australian Book Design Awards Longlist

We're excited to see that five Scribe and four Scribble books have been longlisted for the 70th Australian Book Design Awards.

Best designed commercial fiction cover
The Speechwriter by Martin McKenzie-Murray
Designed by Nathan Burton

Best designed literary fiction cover
A Room Called Earth by Madeleine Ryan
Designed by Allison Colpoys

How We Are Translated by Jessica Gaitán Johannesson
Designed by Allison Colpoys

In Moonland by Miles Allinson
Designed by Allison Colpoys

Best designed nonfiction cover
The Ghost in the Garden by 
Designed by Laura Thomas

Best designed children's illustrated book
A Pair of Pears and an Orange by Anna McGregor
Designed by Anna McGregor

Arno and His Horse by Jane Godwin and Felicita Sala
Designed by Miriam Rosenbloom

Best designed children's nonfiction illustrated book
Let’s Eat Weeds by Annie Raser-Rowland, Adam Grubb, and Evie Barrow
Designed by Miriam Rosenbloom

Best designed children's fiction book
Rhyme Hungry by Antonia Pesenti
Designed by Antonia Pesenti & Miriam Rosenbloom

The shortlist will be announced in April 2022 and the winners of the Australian Book Design Awards will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 3 June.

Congratulations to all the longlisted designers.

The Speechwriter

In his fiction debut, erstwhile speechwriter Martin McKenzie-Murray takes us on a frantic, funny, and surreal journey through the corridors of power.

Toby, former speechwriter to the PM, has reached a new low: locked behind bars in a high-security prison, with sentient PlayStations storming the city outside, and the worst of Australia’s criminals forcing him to ghost-write letters to their loved ones or have his spine repurposed as a coat-rack. How did he get here? From the vantage point of his prison cell, Toby pens his memoir, trying to piece together how he fell so far, all the while fielding the…

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A Room Called Earth

A brilliant debut from a neurodiverse author that explores a young woman's magical, sensitive, and passionate inner world.

A young woman gets ready to go to a party. She arrives, feels overwhelmed, leaves, and then returns. Minutely attuned to the people who come into her view, and alternating between alienation and profound connection, she is hilarious, self-aware, sometimes acerbic, and always honest.

And by the end of the night, she’s shown us something radical about love, loss, and the need to belong.

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How We Are Translated


People say ‘I’m sorry’ all the time when it can mean both ‘I’m sorry I hurt you’ and ‘I’m sorry someone else did something I have nothing to do with’. It’s like the English language gave up on trying to find a word for sympathy which wasn’t also the word for guilt.

Swedish immigrant Kristin won’t talk about the Project growing inside her. Her Brazilian-born Scottish boyfriend Ciaran won’t speak English at all; he is trying to immerse himself in a Swedish
språkbad language bath,
to prepare for their future, whatever the fick that means.…

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In Moonland


‘A parent’s love for a child, you probably know this yourself, it’s pretty bottomless. It goes down into the guts of the world. But a child’s love for a parent is different. It goes up. It’s more ethereal. It’s not quite present on the earth.’

In present-day Melbourne, a man attempts to piece together the mystery of his father’s apparent suicide as his young family slowly implodes. At the ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, in 1976, a man searching for salvation must…

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The Ghost In The Garden

The forgotten garden which inspired Charles Darwin becomes the modern-day setting for an exploration of memory, family, and the legacy of genius.

Darwin never stopped thinking about the garden at his childhood home, The Mount. It was here, under the tutelage of his green-fingered mother and sisters, that he first examined the reproductive life of flowers, collected birds’ eggs, and began the experiments that would lead to his theory of evolution.

A century and a half later, with one small child in tow and another on the way, Jude Piesse finds herself living next door to this secret garden. Two acres of…

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A Pair of Pears and an Orange

An adorable story about making new friends and finding creative solutions to playground problems.

A pair of pears rocked on a seesaw.
A pair of pears played ping-pong.
A pair of pears rode their tandem bike.
Until one day, someone new wanted
to join their fun.

Big Pear and Little Pear love playing together. But when Orange joins in, their games don’t work and Big Pear feels left out. A relatable, hilarious, and kind-hearted tale about navigating friendship when three definitely starts to feel like a crowd! From the author of the CBCA Honour winner, Anemone is not the Enemy.

The ideal gift for new…

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Arno and His Horse


Arno and His Horse is a beautifully written rhyming text, matched with exquisite illustrations, that explores love, memory, loss, and the power objects can hold.

Arno had a horse,
it was brown and it was black.
He took it with him everywhere,
but did he bring it back?

When Arno loses his precious toy horse, all the kids in town help him to look for it. They look everywhere, but will Arno ever see his horse again?

A touching story about memory, dreams, and the mysterious ways we feel connected to those we love.

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Let’s Eat Weeds!

From salads to main dishes, edible weeds are delicious! Find out how to identify them, where and when to find them, and how to cook them.

Ever thought weeds were just pesky plants to pull out and throw away? Think again! This informative, funny, and beautiful book will show you just how great edible weeds can taste. Learn to smell your way to an angled onion, bake weeds ‘n’ cheese pie, and safely harvest the juicy fruits of a prickly pear.

This is the ultimate companion for the young urban or rural forager. Once you’ve read it, you’ll start to see food all around you, every time you go for a…

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Rhyme Hungry

From INSTANT POODLES to CHEESE GHOSTIE, RHYME HUNGRY is the ultimate book of lunchtime wordplay!

Flip the flaps to reveal unexpected rhymes and bold, bright illustrations. A book that will delight adults, appeal to design lovers, and get young kids squealing and begging to read it again and again.

From the creator of award-winning Rhyme Cordial.

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Quick view

The Speechwriter

Martin McKenzie-Murray

Cover view
Quick view

A Room Called Earth

Madeleine Ryan

Cover view
Quick view

How We Are Translated

Jessica Gaitán Johannesson

Cover view
Quick view

In Moonland

Miles Allinson

Cover view
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The Ghost In The Garden

Jude Piesse

Cover view
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A Pair of Pears and an Orange

Anna McGregor

Cover view
Quick view

Arno and His Horse

Jane Godwin

Cover view
Quick view

Let’s Eat Weeds!

Annie Raser-RowlandAdam Grubb

Cover view
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Rhyme Hungry

Antonia Pesenti

Cover view